Artist paintor sculptor

Born in Lyon in 1944.
He travelled everywhere in Europe
where he exhibited his paintings before settling
in Germany in 1983.
He runs his own gallery since 2003.

To know more

Biography and exhibitions

  • 1944 : Born in Lyon
  • 1963-1967 : Travels everywhere in Europe
  • 1968-1971 : Works as an interior designer and an antique furniture restorer
  • 1972-1983 : Works as designer in Angers
  • 1983 : Shares in Germany


  • 1985-1986 : Works as a painter Sinsheim
  • 1987-1988 : Works in Kassel as a abstract painter
  • 1988-1990 : Back to France, works whith Dr Marina Sauer
  • 1991 : Back to Germany, Frankfort and back to Sinsheim
  • 1991-1996 : Works intensively on abstraction
  • 2001-2003 : The professor Jacques Goujon appoints Warin as France’s representative for the Berlin Bear project (The United Bär)

Since 2003 Warin lives in Seckach little city in Germany where he has his own gallery. He abandons abstraction to paint portraits of women in abstract form.


  • London gallery Lentz
  • 1983 : gallery Tivoli in Copenhagen
  • Gallerye Eonnet Dupuis in Paris,
  • Gallery Bayreuth Stadtkirche – permanente exposition
  • 2003 : Owns his own gallery in Seckach, Germany.

Companies and industries

  • 1992 : Badenwerk Sinsheim
  • 1993 : Katholisch Bildung Bonn (museum)
  • 1995 : ABB Schweiz
  • 1996 : centre atomique exposition
  • 1996 : exhibition in Mannheim insurance for industry
  • 1996 : international poster for disable people in Heidelberg
  • 1998 : European research exhibition in Mannheim
  • 1999 : exhibition at Endos (car parts factory)
  • 2007 : exhibition in a management center in Brussels Belgium
  • 2007 : Charax Management Brussels exhibition
  • 2007 : Banke Sparkasse exhibition for disabled children Mosbach
  • 2008 : exhibition Fa Lauda International


  • 1991/92 : Icone museum Frankfurt
  • 1992 : museum Schlossmuseume Mühleim am main
  • 1993 : museum Glauchau (ex DDR)
  • 1994 : Museum Speyer


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